Innovating Research on the Humanities and Social Sciences in Indonesia
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on the Humanities and Social Sciences (CIRHSS) is an interdisciplinary centre established as an international hub to bring excellence and innovation in research across the humanities and social sciences (HASS) with the areal focus on Indonesia. Indonesia, as one of the most bio-ethno-socio-linguistically diverse countries in the world and one of the most populous democratic nations serves as a living laboratory for research in HASS. The overarching quest of CIRHSS is to leverage Indonesia’s rich resources in HASS for academic purposes and to maximise its impact beyond academia. The backbone through which CIRHSS pursues this is its interlocking Research Strands across HASS – spanning from Archaeology and Anthropology through to History and Origin, Social Transformation, Linguistics and Language Documentation and Digital Humanities. The interdisciplinary and collaborative outlook of CIRHSS seeks to enhance impacts at the local, national, and international levels.
CIRHSS is based at Udayana University in Bali, Indonesia, and works in partnership with the School of Culture History and Language, College of Asia and the Pacific, of the Australian National University (ANU).