I Wayan Arka (Australian National University/Udayana University; Advisory board of CIRHSS)
Ketut Artawa (Bachelor of English Literature program; the head of the Doctoral Program in Linguistics, Udayana University; Indonesian team leader for the Indonesian Languages, Documentation and Learning strand within CIRHSS)
I Made Rajeg (Bachelor of English Literature program)
Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Udayana University; Co-Director of CIRHSS; Indonesian team leader for the Digital Humanities strand within CIRHSS)
I Putu Permana Mahardika (Balinese language Department and Master Program in Linguistics, Udayana University)
Ni Made Ayu Widiastuti (Bachelor of English Literature program)
Putu Weddha Savitri (Bachelor of English Literature program)
External research collaborators
Karlina Denistia (English Department at the Vocational School, Sebelas Maret University, Solo, Central Java)
Prihantoro (English Department and Master Program in Linguistics, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java)