Publication in LFG’20 Proceedings – Corpus-based approach meets LFG

A paper by Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, I Made Rajeg, and I Wayan Arka has just been published in the LFG’20 Proceedings. The title of the paper is Corpus-based approach meets LFG: the puzzling case of voice alternations of kena-verbs in Indonesian.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya, I Made Rajeg & I Wayan Arka. 2020. Corpus-based approach meets LFG: the puzzling case of voice alternations of kena-verbs in Indonesian. In Miriam Butt & Ida Toivonen (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG’20 conference, on-line, 307–327. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.

Rajeg, G. P. W., Rajeg, I. M., & Arka, I. W. (2021, May 10). Supplementary materials for “Corpus-based approach meets LFG: Puzzling voice alternation in Indonesian.”

Doing language sciences in the digital age – by Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg

Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, PhD (website) was invited to give a guest lecture under the theme: Doing Language Sciences in the Digital Age at the English Study Program, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar. 

The lecture was targeted at the fourth- and six-semester undergraduate students at the Program. The first part of the lecture provided a brief overview of linguistics and its sub-areas. The second part of the lecture discussed how students’ linguistic research project can take advantages of the technological advances characterising the field of corpus linguistics, particularly the availability of large collection of digitalised texts (i.e. language corpora) and the retrieved quantitative information from analysing large dataset from corpora; this was illustrated with a number of simple case studies around the word’s usages on the basis of data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and the Coronavirus Corpus (webpage). You can download the slides and watch the recording from below.

Talk at UCREL Corpus Research Seminar – by Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg

Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, PhD was one of the invited speakers in the University Centre for Computer Corpus Research on Language (UCREL) Corpus Research Seminar series online at the Lancaster University, UK. The talk was a joint work with Dr. I Made Rajeg and Prof. I Wayan Arka on the interaction of voice alternation and (non-)metaphoric meaning of verbs from corpus linguistic and experimental perspectives. Related publication on this topic (Rajeg, Rajeg, & Arka 2020) (PDF) is recently published in the Proceedings of the LFG’20 Conference. Watch the recording and download the slides from below; abstract can be viewed here.

Shassion on #Linguistics 7 – by Prof. Martin Hilpert

Prof. Martin Hilpert (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland) participated as the invited speaker in our Shassion on #Linguistics (24 November 2020) in conjunction with the Guest Lecture for Corpus Linguistics class in Linguistics Doctoral Program at Udayana University (convened by Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg, PhD & Prof. I Wayan Arka). Prof. Hilpert talked about quantitative corpus linguistic analysis on large database of English clippings. Flyer and recording of the talk can be seen below.

Invited Online Lecture on Cognitive Linguistics

CIRHSS Deputy Secretary, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Ph.D. was invited to deliver a guest lecture on the third Online Lecture series organised by the Linguistics Doctoral Program, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU), Medan, Indonesia (Monday, 26 October 2020) (News coverage in Indonesian here).

Gede was invited to talk about Cognitive Linguistics, and he presented a case study based on his PhD thesis (cf. below) on HAPPINESS metaphors in Indonesian (Rajeg 2019), combining insights from Frame Semantics, Construction Grammar, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, and Quantitative Corpus Linguistics. The recording (in Indonesian) is included below.

The slides for the talk (in Indonesian) (Rajeg 2020) and Gede’s PhD thesis (Rajeg 2019) are embedded below.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya (2020): Linguistik Kognitif: Konsep, Teori dan Metode. figshare. Presentation.

Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya (2019): Metaphorical profiles and near-synonyms: A corpus-based study of Indonesian words for HAPPINESS. Monash University. Thesis.

Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg’s invited talk at Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg’s invited talk at Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia

Gede was also invited to deliver a guest lecture on Corpus Linguistics by the Linguistic Society of Indonesia as part of the Online Linguistics Class series. See here for the news.

Online Linguistics Class on Corpus Linguistics

CIRHSS Deputy Secretary, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg, Ph.D. was one of the invited speakers to co-deliver an online lecture (in Indonesian) in the Online Linguistics Class (Kelas Daring Linguistik) series held by the Indonesian Linguistic Society (Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia) (Saturday, 17 October 2020) (cf. also Gede’s other invited talk in October). The other presenters were Karlina Denistia, Ph.D. (University of Tubingen, Germany), and Prihantoro, M.A. (Universitas Diponegoro; Lancaster University, UK).

The topic of the lecture is an introduction to corpus linguistics as a method for combining qualitative and quantitative approaches to language (Pengantar Linguistik Korpus: Perpaduan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif). Below are (i) the recording of the talk, (ii) some pictures post-lecture on MLI’s Facebook page, and (iii) slides for Gede’s presentation and Karlina’s supplementary materials and slides.

Recording of the online lecture on Introductory Corpus Linguistics for Qualitative and Quantitative Language Research (by [in the order of presentation] Prihantoro, Karlina Denistia, Gede Primahadi W. Rajeg)

Denistia, K. (2020, October 16). Pengantar Linguistik Korpus: Perpaduan Pendekatan Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif.