Deadline Extension for Abstract Submission to ICAPaW 2019

The deadline for abstract submission to ICAPaW 2019 is extended to 19 July 2019, which is also the deadline for submitting application for Master Class Scholarship. Please send your abstract and scholarship application to

Notification of acceptance for abstract and scholarship application will be on 31 July 2019​.

Early Bird registration and payment is 1 – 7 August 2019.

Regular registration and payment is 8 – 15 August 2019.


*Featured image is Tanah Lot Temple in Bali by unsplash-logoHarry Kessell

ICAPaW 2019 Call for Papers

The Call-for-Papers website for The 2019 International Conference on the Austronesian and Papuan Worlds (ICAPaW 2019) is now up and live!

Please read the Abstract Specification carefully and use our abstract template. Abstract submission deadline is 5 July 2019. ICAPaW 2019 is held in conjunction with the launching of The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on the Humanities and Social Sciences (CIRHSS)[1].

[1] The feature image is the Mount Agung landscape (Holy Volcano Agung in Bali). Photo by Artem Beliaikin (@belart84) on Unsplash.




Fees for International Conference
CategoriesFor local Indonesians (IDR)For non-Indonesians (USD)
Early BirdIDR 1,500,000USD 115
NormalIDR 1,750,000USD 170

Fees for International Master Classes and Guest Lecture
TitlesFor local Indonesians (IDR)For non-Indonesians (USD)
Indigenity, Heritage and Vernacular HistoriesIDR 500,000USD 45
Linguistic Typology and Austronesian SyntaxIDR 1,500,000USD 115
Experimental Syntax and Language ProcessingFREEFREE
Introduction to RFREEFREE

Fees for Conference Proceedings (Optional)
ItemsFor local Indonesians (IDR)For non-Indonesians (USD)
ProceedingsIDR 200,000USD 15

Note: Technical details on the payment and registration procedures will be updated here.


For the Master Class, there is a scholarship available from The Wurm Foundation. To apply for it, please send your most recent CV and academic transcript to As the email subject, please put “ICAPaW2019 Master Class Scholarship Application”.

The deadlines to apply for the scholarship is on 19 July 2019.

The outcome of the scholarship application is on 31 July 2019.


Invited Speakers

Professor Simon Haberle (Australian National University)

Reconstructing vegetation cover and long-term environmental change in Sunda and Sahul

Reconstructing past vegetation cover through the study of microscopic plant remains preserved in sedimentary environments – otherwise known as palaeoecology – provides an important window into the nature, pace and direction of environmental change through time. Existing lines of evidence point to significant changes to biodiversity, vegetation cover, and fire frequency since the arrival of Homo sapiens into Sunda (island SE Asia) and Sahul (Australia-New Guinea) sometime around 65,000 years ago. In this paper I show how detailed reconstructions of past landscapes can be derived from pollen and charcoal preserved in sedimentary records and present a review of the nature of the past environments during the span of time from when H. sapiens first encountered this landscape through to the managed and human influenced landscapes described at European contact. The new Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Biodiversity and Heritage in Australia aims to build our capacity in interdisciplinary studies by combining archaeological and palaeo-environmental to allow an assessment of how people adapted to changing conditions and in turn may have driven these changes.

Professor Chris Ballard (Australian National University)

History and language transformation in Oceania

What can the study of history bring to the reconstruction of language transformation? While historical linguistics has forged powerful collaborations with anthropology, archaeology and genetics, the relationship with history is much less developed. A series of vignettes from New Guinea and Vanuatu illustrates some of the potential of both oral traditions and documentary history in recasting questions about the evolution of contemporary language diversity in Melanesia: on the migration of the ancestors of the Agarabi-speakers and their adoption of Gadsup language in Papua New Guinea’s Eastern Highlands; on the complex layering of Melanesian and Polynesian languages in Central Vanuatu; and the distinctive diffusion after 1871 of tools, crops and terms introduced by Russian anthropologist Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay to the Madang coast.

Professor Ketut Artawa (Udayana University)

Adjectives of emotion and their corresponding derived verbs: A typological perspective

Adjectives can be found in every language, however, the types and sizes of adjective each language has could be different from one another.  In a great majority of languages, adjectives are semantically used to state a property and specify the referent of a noun ( Dixon, 2010: 91). This paper will account for the interaction between syntax and semantics of adjectives of emotion and their corresponding derived verbs in Indonesian. The analysis makes use of a number of syntactic tests comparing the syntactic properties of the adjectives of emotion with their corresponding derived verbs. The syntactic tests include the various functions that the adjectives of emotion and corresponding derived verbs can fulfill in the clause structure, their ability to take a modifying element, their syntactic properties in a comparative construction, and their ability to be combined with human noun and non-human noun as a grammatical subject of the clause. The result of the analysis showed that both the adjectives of emotion and their corresponding verbs can fulfil similar functions; however, the functions of derived verbs are more restricted. This may relate to the notion of markedness. As derived verbs, they still showed the syntactic features of their base forms in that they can take modifying elements. The interesting and important syntactic feature of the adjectives of emotion and their derive verbs is that when functioning as a head predicate, the subject of the base adjective is semantically an EXPERIENCER and human, while for the verb form, the subject is semantically a STIMULUS and thing, it may also occur with a human subject, but it is less common.

Associate Professor I Wayan Arka (Australian National University)

On the competition dynamics and eco-linguistic equilibrium of minority languages: case studies from Indonesia

I discuss different variables involved in the competition dynamics of eco-linguistic equilibrium affecting the wellbeing of minority languages, based on my documentation research on minority Austronesian and Papuan languages of Indonesia. Extending the notion of ecological equilibrium to include language as part of larger co-existence and mutual interactions of humans with their natural-biological, social-cultural-symbolic, and cognitive ecologies (Haugen 1972, Næss 2008, Chen 2016, among others), I argue for the significance of symbolic social-cognitive variable for a healthy eco-linguistic equilibrium of a minority language. There is good empirical evidence from Loloan Malay (an Austronesian language spoken in western Bali) showing that small population size is not a detriment to the language’s well being in the competition dynamics in multilingual setting, and that high language vitality is tightly associated with the identity-related symbolic status of the language. Nevertheless, in the case of Marori (a highly endangered Papuan languge of Merauke) and Enggano (an Austronesian language on Enggano Island, southwest of Bengkulu), the population size with an increasingly dwindling number of speakers is indeed a critical variable, seriously affecting the equilibrium resulting in rapid language shift. In the full paper, I provide further support for the close connection of language’s well being, distinctive identities and the speakers’ dynamic ecology, and also discuss language advocacy, literacy resources and other strategies mitigating the negative effect of the competition dynamics of languages in contemporary Indonesia.


Chen, Sibo. 2016. “Language and ecology: A content analysis of ecolinguistics as an emerging research field.” Ampersand no. 3:108-116.

Haugen, E. 1972. The Ecology of Language. Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press.

Næss, A. 2008. “Ecology of Wisdom: Writings by Arne Næss.” In, edited by A.R. Drengson and B. Devall. Counterpoint, Berkeley, CA.


The 2019 International Conference on The Austronesian and Papuan Worlds (ICAPaW)

6 – 8 September 2019 at the Faculty of Arts, Udayana University, 
Denpasar, Bali – Indonesia

The Dynamics of the Contemporary Austronesian and Papuan Worlds from Cross-disciplinary Perspectives


The dynamics of Austronesian/Papuan languages

phonetics and phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, discourse/pragmatics, vernacular acquisition/learning/teaching, translation and interpreting

The socio and cultural dynamics of indigeneity, heritage and identity

multilingualism, cultural pluralism/multiculturalism, language/culture endangerment, vernacular histories/oral traditions, heritage tourism, adat/indigenous rights/advocacy, social and religious harmony

Important Dates

19 July 2019
Deadline for abstract submission and Master Class Scholarship application

31 July 2019
Notification of abstract acceptance and Master Class Scholarship application

1 - 7 August 2019
Early bird registration and payment

8 - 15 August 2019
Regular registration and payment

Contact Person

Dr. I Made Netra, M.Hum (+6281337291620)
Dr. Seri Malini M.Hum (+628124614676)
Yana Qomarianna, S.S., M.Ling (+62853376615599)

Panorama Bali Village2

ICAPaW 2019 is jointly organised by the Australian National University and Udayana University